Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fortune Cookies

My husband and I have noticed that fortune cookies have deviated from their original purpose. When we got lunch at a Chinese restuarant earlier today, we were presented with the typical fortune cookies at the end of our meal. Mine read:

"Let your social instincts off the leash and talk to everyone"

I smirk after reading mine and hand it over to my husband for him to look at. He then cracks me up by saying, "Thats not a fortune cookie, thats a suggestion cookie". And all joking aside, it it doesn't predict anything. Isn't that the original intent behind a fortune cookie? Kinda like reading your horoscope ya know?

Just sumpin' to ponder upon for ya' all =)

1 comment:

silfert said...

How 'bout one that reads, "You are about to fork over a large wad of cash"?