Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Suburbian Peacock

I am not sure why, but for the past 6-8 months (maybe more), we have had a peacock roaming about our neighborhood. I am pretty sure he/she doesn't belong to anybody in particular, as the peacock is always around a different person's house every couple of days or so. Or maybe he/she is just a very social peacock - altho, I have never known peacocks to be that social of animals. Maybe it is a very vain peacock and likes to strut about the neighborhood showing off its beautiful array of feathers. No matter what the reason, my husband and I are constantly amazed that the peacock is out and about in the kind of weather that we have been having. Surely peacocks do not like walking thru snow and ice. And when we do not see him/her struttin' about the neighborhood, where is the peacock? Where does it sleep? Who feeds it, or does it find food on its own?

So many questions, so little blog space lol


Anonymous said...

Wonder if he is the same one that used to live just west of us, since I haven't seen him in a while. He probably decided to move to a better neighborhood!

silfert said...

He's probably sleeping on someone's roof, but I have no idea what they eat. Himself's dad used to keep peacocks; they wandered all over town.