Friday, January 2, 2009

If At First You Don't Succeed

Well, I am not very happy with my socks I knitted. I decided to wear them today to work & was constantly annoyed by how they fit the whole day =/ I think I am the only person who can knit a pair of socks that are slightly too big, put them in hot water to wash them, and have them not friggin shrink, but get BIGGER! *uuggh* So there is an extra 1/2 inch at the toe area. Not only that, the heel is all funky - it does not lay down at all, but instead is all 'poochey' looking (for lack of better word). In addition, I wore big/clunky shoes to work today, so combining them with ill fitting socks did not make Lisa Marie happy.

MUST make better fitting socks for self during 2009!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have no fear, there are several of us willing to stand around, breathing down your neck until you get it just right!