Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dog Spam

I got a spam email this morning that had the subject heading ‘Is your dog lucky?’ First reaction was, duhhhh! Of course they BOTH are and went to hit the delete button. Then I started thinking about how my youngest one has been pretty darn lucky lately. In fact, she is fairly lucky overall, but for the sake of this blog post, I will name just two instances of her luck =)

The first one that comes to mind was a couple of days ago when I was reaching into the freezer to get some ice for a drink I was having. Generally, my husband and I use the ice machine on our fridge and the dogs *love* to come running when they hear it, as we let a few small pieces of ice hit the floor for them to have. The other day, tho, I was in the mood for the ice cubes – not the crushed parts of them – in my drink, but the youngest one decided she wanted to be in on the action anyway. I thought the pieces were too big (if you have seen her, she is a SMALL dog, only 6 lbs) for her to munch on, so I was trying not to drop any on the floor – but of course, I still do. She is there in an instant, grabbing up the ice cube and taking off with it to the living room. I follow her, as I thought she did not need such a big piece of ice, and she rolls over and clamps her mouth shut in an effort to keep me from taking it from her. However, I am an expert at prying her mouth open by now =) So I got it open and realized since the ice cube was so cold and she had it against her tongue for a bit, the ice cube had started to freeze to her tongue. I had to gently pull on it to get it off her tongue and out of her mouth, at which point I checked out her tongue to make sure it was ok. Once satisfied she was ok, she takes off in search of other things, totally oblivious that her life could’ve been a bit uncomfortable for awhile had she not been so lucky.

The second was a day or so before that, as I was checking in our hall closet for something. Both the dogs have a habit of following me about the house, but the youngest is worse. I had looked in the closet and couldn’t find what I was looking for, and was about to close the door when I saw something brown flash before me IN the closet. I scream and Sadie, the youngest pup, peeks out from behind one of the shoes like she was wondering what the fuss was all about =) She was quite lucky I did not spaz more and lock her in there as I ran off and close the door!

Well, anyway! That’s a few stories of Sadie, who in her own little way, has managed to be a bright spot in my life since Karma passed away a year ago. There is a lot of Karma I see in her – but she is still her ‘own’ dog ya know? Life goes on and she has helped immensely to make me realize it can still be a good life =)


silfert said...

You forgot to mention the fact that they live with you! That's pretty lucky...

Lisa Marie said...

Awww, thx =) I honestly feel like the lucky one, tho - err, most of the time lol

Molly Jo said...

I had a red mini doxie growing up and the poor thing went skidding across the tile floor in the kitchen on a regular basis. She had a tendency to get under foot when you weren't paying attention, as most tiny dogs do!