Sunday, December 16, 2007

Going Back To My Roots

I am sitting here, waiting for my hair color to be done 'processing' - so that I can wash it out. I am pretty darn tempted to wash it out already, as its getting DARK . But I figgered it was time to go back to more my natural haircolor - if there is one at this point lol I have colored my hair so much over the years, I am not entirely sure what my 'natural' haircolor was or should be. Last time I knew, it was an ash brown - which, judging from the darkness on top of my head, I can understand why I have been coloring it any other color for years and years *sigh*

OK, I *must* think of something else - or at least think of this as a 'new' me. I will be a different me in 2008, a better - newly improved me. One that does not care if her hair makes her wanna cry when she looks in the mirror. A me that will say to myself 'I have been uglier than this' and go about my day. And a me that will embrace this color as a sign that I AM brave.......

Is it just me that stresses over hair color this much? lol I have only wasted 3 minutes so far - so I have 7 more to go before I should rinse. Funny how time flies by when you don't want it to, but drags when ya just wanna get it over and done with.

At least my younger dog is not sitting there and staring at me bewildered like she doesnt know who I am anymore. As usual, she just sits on the couch with her blue ball, looks at me, drops the ball on the floor and looks at me again - waiting for me to play with her. Dogs sure have it nice, they dont have to worry about their friggin hair color lol


Anonymous said...

I get antsy about hair coloring too. But I don't let it stop me. I wanna be a better me in 2008 too. Hopefully 20 pounds lighter and a bigger amount in the bank account.

silfert said...

When have you ever been ugly? I've known you for years!