Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Elusive 4th Knitting Needle

Deep breaths..........relax..........stretch........more deep breaths......

This has been my tactic to avoid going crazy over not finding my 4th knitting needle I need to use to knit my friggin' sock =/ I have my friend, A, be kind enuf to write down the pattern for my 2nd sock earlier - as I had it written on so many scraps of paper I had myself confused. And now I don't have all the needles I need. Its been months since I made the first sock, and it seems destined to be the ONLY sock I make at this rate. This kinda crap always happens to me - I am a shameful, sad excuse of a knitter gal. I am an embrassement to our knitting group lol Oh well, at least I provide ample opportunities for amusing entertainment with my sad knitting stories.

So now I sit here, watching the movie 'Band of Brothers' with my husband and wishing for a distraction to the bloodiness of the movie. The movie kinda makes me think that the soldiers could use some dry socks. I bet they would know how to knit some in no time at all if they had to - I bet they don't lose their friggin' knitting needles if they do lol


Anonymous said...

Check the couch, that is where my knitting needles hide.

You shouldn't feel bad, I know that I own size 4 circular needles but I have not been able to find them for 3 months. I went and bought a new set yesterday.

Dee Anna

Anonymous said...

No worries, babe... now you have seven of them. You can lose three more and still be in business! :)

Happy New Year!

silfert said...

Oh, yes, soldiers love dry socks! Many of them made their own, so you're carrying on a proud tradition. And so forth. ;)