Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jesco White

The other night - after watching the movie 'Time Traveler's Wife' - my husband was gonna try and pick us a 'feel good' movie. 'Cuz, despite the 'Time Traveler's Wife' being fairly decent, it was also fairly depressing - and not a great way to end your Thursday night. Soo... what movie does my husband pick?

"White Lightening"

In his defense, I do not *think* (he can look incredibly innocent of all charges at times), he knew the movie was:

#1 About Jesco White - whom has not reportedly held a fairytale life
#2 That the movie would be the most disturbing movie we have probably have watched thus far

Well, anyway! Suffice it to say the dude was *incredibly* redneck thoughout the movie - and I was SO affected by this movie (and not in a 'omg, this is like, ya know - the MOST incredible movie everrrrr sorta way) that I woke up the next morning tossing and turning due to nightmares cuz of it and only really remembering one line out of the whole movie:

"She's messin' with my headdddd..... my headdd....."

Yeah, I know - incredibly sad isnt it? lol

Well, needless to say, my husband went to work the next day recommending that the work peeps should watch this movie as well. I wish I could say that he truly likes the movie and wanted someone to be able to pass their 1.5 hours in a 'wow - this is the bestest movie everrr' fashion. But (and this was *before* we watched this disturbed movie), my husband is quite sick in da head himself lol

However, I have also had to pay the price of watching this movie by being dubbed 'Joda Mae' and having my husband wake up two - yes, I repeat, TWOOOOOO - friggin mornings in a row calling me that in his most redneck voice he can muster lol

So what's my answer? If you are unable to beat them - join them.

So thats what I have been doing lol He 'lipped off' and called me Joda Mae this morning and I retorted:

"Shut your mouth, and shave your sister!"

To which he replied:

"Well, thats just nasty."

To which I said:

"Its *just* hair"

Uh huh..... I know. Thats sick. And sad. And twisted. And all sorts of really sad and twisted sorta sh*t lol

So anyway! I need help y'all! My husband has given me a redneck-ish sorta name (Joda Mae). Now I need help giving him one! So watcha y'all think? Clayton? Cletus? Plain ole Jim Bob? Spill da beanz! I wanna hear your opinions/thoughts =)


Scott said...

I have no idea what you are talking about.

'sides, his "huffin" didn't seem to effect his dancin' abilities none. :)

mmpaints said...

LOL, I havent seen the movie but Jesco White is a hillbilly that figured out how acting like a retard could make him a little money. Can't blame him, a few simple tap dancing steps and he IS making money at it.

LOL, calling Scott "cletus" is cute but it might just encourage him, ROFL.

Scott said...

Welllll.... two can play at *that* game, or so I thought. Turns out when I ran YOUR name, Silfert, it came back with the message "is this a trick question? That name is already "redneck", no further redneckificashun possible".

So there. lol

silfert said...

Y'all is LAH-IN! It's Hattie Hoggreaser, an' donchew fergit it!