Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friggin' Costco

OK, I *thought* I would be able to not let this bother me - I am going for the 'new' me - the one that doesnt obsess over little things such as this. BUT....

Every F'N time I pull out my brand spankin new Costco card, the picture of me on the card makes me wanna make a special trip BACK to Costco - NOT to buy anything with the F'N card, just to get a better F'N picture of me on the card.

I have told myself that I will rarely use the card, so therefore I will not use the card much and not see the stoooopid picture of me plastered on it. I have told myself that even if I see the Costco card, it will just make me laugh and put it back in my purse without a care - without it bothering me that my picture is friggin odd.

Yes, its not that I particularly *look* bad - so to speak. Its just that I look like I F'N have fangs in the picture - I seriously should just go to Hollywood and hand them my F'N Costco card so that I can land a part on 'True Blood' and/or the 'Twilight' movies/shows.

I went there with my husband with my hair back in a ponytail, not ready to have a picture taken of me - cuz, seriously? Arent we grownup enuf now to not have to have our friggin picture on a Costco card? How about a thumbprint? How about nothing at all? How about making a gal feel like she looks 'normal' even when she comes to Costco in sloppy clothes and her hair pulled back in a ponytail?

Honestly, is it so much to ask?

OK, so I am bitter about the whole experience lol


dani said...

LMAO....back in the day when I had a Sam's Club card, I also had a crappy photo. I can't say that I had fangs in my photo, but it was really crappy. :-)

We don't have a Costco in these parts, so I don't have to deal with a crappy Costco Card photo! And I no longer shop at WalMart or Sam's, so I don't have to deal with that either! ;-)

maybe you should just pretend you lost it or something and DEMAND a new photo! ;-) or take a red sharpie and draw blood dripping from your fangs! ;-)

Anonymous said...

If they gave Pulitzers for blogs, you'd have this years award locked up...

Gawd, the only thing funnier than reading this blog is knowing that you have a legit gripe. I have, afterall, seen the pic. Or did I say too much? :)

Anonymous said...

By the way, you set a new record. You said "F'N" five times in the blog!


silfert said...

I think I need to see this F'n photo...