Sunday, April 25, 2010

A List

Over the past couple of weeks, just when things seem to be going smoothly, there has always been *something* that makes it more difficult. So, here is my list you 'know when its things are not gonna go your way when":

1) You do your homwork while in Vegas on a SATURDAY morning in your hotel room (when most people should be hungover from the night before), and hear endless sounds - maids being overly energetic in their cleaning in the rooms next to you (specially the bathrooms btw), kids - yes F'N kids in Vegas! screaming down the hallway, an ambulance for a whole 5 minutes, a car siren for 5 minutes, a fire truck siren for another 5 minutes.....and repeat.....

Husband returns, noises continue for another 20 minutes, and then....SILENCE...

And then you hear a train's horn HONK!!! as it makes its way thru Vegas..

You look up. You sigh. And say - REALLY?? A train??? IN VEGGASS???

2) You are in a movie theatre with your husband to see the move 'The Losers'. You successfully hide the fact that you have the hots for the lead actor, get snacks and settle in a bit early to watch the movie. You are bored, however.....and soon you tink it would be funny if you threw a piece of your popcorn at your husband. You successfully do so - but then husband retaliates by throwing an peanut M&M at you and hitting you in the head. HARD.

You pout. BUT you do not let this phase you in the least... you soon decide to throw 2 pieces of popcorn at your husband. Husband reaches in the bag of popcorn and you flinch. You then open your eyes when you feel something IN your blouse. IN your bra. With eyes opened, you realize its a BUNCH of popcorn crumbled up in your bra. And then you have to proceed to 'dig' it out...

3) You and husband go to Best Buy to get yourself something that will track your calories/miles since you have now become a lil more ...err...FIT. First Best Buy does not have them - they are too small of a store. But this is not found out until you and husband have walked around the whole friggin store. And, since you are not in a good mood before you enter the store, this does not help your mood as you leave the store...

You get in the car with the husband and head out of town to another Best Buy in a bigger city and continue your bad mood. You are almost out of the city when you see an Orscheln's sign advertising 'CHICK DAYS' and you suddenly ask husband to turn around and go back to Orschelns. He remains confused/amused, and becomes even more amused when you tell him you want to hold a baby chick so it will help 'improve your mood'. However, he *does* turn around...

AND, you do hold a baby chick......well, more like an adolescent chick cuz the baby chick pecked at your hand when you went...AWWW....and tried to reach in... but anywayy...

You leave Orschelns and your husband think it would be appropriate to now begin to quiz you if you like Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds, Hollands, or.....

Yes, folks.... that is my week in review....